
  創立於 2005 年的圓典股份有限公司,主要服務內容為全自動化精裝書封殼生產製作,引進 KOULBUS 全球第一台 DA-270 封殼機,開創國內兒童書圓角新興市場,為兒童書注入新感官也增加兒童閱讀的安全性。


因應市場需求2008年引進 KOLBUS DA-260 封面機,增加三截式封面及四片紙板型式封面的自動化生產,年產量提升百分之三十。2013 年誕生平面包裝雛形,為解決研發生產問題添購新機 KOLBUS DA-260 封面機,新款 KOLBUS DA-260 封面機有兩大重要特點:





研發過程中不斷地發現無限可能,隨即在 2014 年引進台灣首部 KOBUS NM-100 全自動 V 型刨溝機,解決精裝盒角度不夠銳利的問題,重金佈署精品包裝生產線,並與結構設計見長的目睹設計公司異業結盟開發獨步全球創新產品-新式樣平銳精品包裝,其採用一體成形的厚紙板結構設計,有別於傳統精裝採取層層堆砌的包材拼組而成,平銳精品包裝以一體成形的厚紙板,設計出可攤平式的精裝盒;因為使用紙板組成,所以包裝的結構強度足以用來裝載較重的產品,兼顧精裝與平面包裝雙重優勢,成為包裝史上一項創舉,同年在德國杜塞道夫寰宇包裝展中首度展露頭角,獲得各國業者關注與重視。




Established in 2005, Yuan Dian Co., Ltd. mainly serves automated hardcover production. We introduced the first DA-270 KOULBUS case maker in Taiwan, and expanded an emerging market – children’s round-cornered books. The innovation infuses a new sense to children’s books as well as increasing the safety of children’s readings.

In response to the demands, Yuan Dian introduced the KOLBUS DA-260 case maker in 2008, increasing three cut layer cover and four pieces of cardboard cover types of automated production. The annual output promoted up to 30%. Flat surface packing was generated in 2013. To solve problems during the production process, We bought a new machine KOLBUS DA-260 case maker . The new version of KOLBUS DA-260 had two major important features:


1. The world’s first profiled edge case maker which can be used in special books and hardcover cartons.
2. For the reduction of carbons and costs, thin cardboard function is able to lower the volume and increase the capacity.


In the research and development process, we discovered the infinite possibility. Therefore we immediately introduced the first KOBUS NM-100 automatic V-type Grooving machine in 2014 to resolve the problem that the angle is not sharp enough for hardcover boxes. We spent a great amount of budget for our packaging line, and allied with the leader of structural design, MOONTOOL DESIGN , to develop innovative products – new style Flat packaging , which uses integrally molded cardboard design, unlike traditional hardcover piled up by layers of flat cardboards. With Flat packaging , we designed a flatten style hardcover box by using integrated thick cardboards. Because of thick cardboard composition, the strength of the package is sufficient to hold heavier products. The product made us combine advantages of the hardcover and Graphic Packaging, creating an unprecedented achievement. Subsequently we joined the packing exhibition in Düsseldorf, Germany at the same year for the very first time, and gained recognition and attention by many countries.

Yuan Dian expects itself to stand firmly in the packing market around the world, builds a happy company for our employees, and contributes our effort to global social responsibility and environmental innovation.